Picture It!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Yesterday we read the book Aliens Love Underpants. We worked on writing a descriptive paragraph. The paragraph was given to the fifth grade classes. They are going to read our description and draw what they think the alien looks like. Today we made aliens in our classroom! First we had to make a drawing of our alien and color it. Then we used construction paper to make our aliens. Tomorrow we will start writing a descriptive paragraph for our own aliens.

We had music today. We had to bounce a big red ball while the music was playing. When the music stopped, we had to throw it to the teacher and had to do a motion that everyone had to copy. Ms. Niemeier came to our class after music and gave us a huge compliment. She told Mrs. Youngblut that we were the best behaved class!!!! Yay for us!

We also did Read to Self. We did a very nice job reading for a long time while Mrs. Youngblut was testing students.

In math we talked about some, some went away stories. An example would be "I had 5 kittens. I gave 3 away." Jocelyn was the student of the day.

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