Picture It!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Read With a Partner

Sophie and Hunter

Amelia and Blaine

Allisyn and Bailey

Jocelyn and Griffin

During math meeting today, we did an ABC pattern. We practiced telling time. Konnor had to draw the hands on the clock to show 7 o'clock. The hour hand (small one) had to point to the 7, and the minute hand (big one) had to point to the 12. We also practiced counting pennies.

During Read to Self we made it to 23 minutes! We also practiced Read With a Partner.

In math we learned about "+1" and "+0" facts. We also learned about the commutative property of addition. You can switch the numbers around when you are adding - 1+3=4 so 3+1=4. The numbers you are adding are called the addends. The answer you get when you are adding is called the sum.

At the end of the day, we went to library. We checked out books. We can have 3 books checked out at one time.


  1. Thank you for sharing all of these things that you are doing in your classroom. And I LOVE the pictures. It helps me feel like I'm a part of my child's classroom. I can't believe that they were up to 23 minutes reading to themselves! That's great! Keep up the good work 2nd graders!

    Rachel Gordon
    Caleb Gordon's mom

  2. Dear Mrs. Youngblut's Class,
    We were hoping to see your Flat Stanley predictions. We will share ours with you on our blog soon!
    Your friends,
    Mrs. Duhaime's Class
